Thursday, February 17, 2011

Community Garden for Greenville, NC

West Side Community Garden, New York City

I am so excited to announce that I recently found out that Greenville was starting a Community Garden. It will be located near the Senior Center on County Home Road across from Wintergreen Elementary School. If you are like me and you live in an apartment this is a dream come true. I have been waiting for the day to start my own garden (in the ground, not just in pots) and this is now possible.

The program is ran through a Blue Cross Blue Shield grant and the hope is that it will become sustainable and last for years to come. I was able to sit down with the head of this initiative and hear some details.

- 80 plots are available for lease from April thru December
- Information session will be available for beginner gardeners
- The water is free and will be provided via a nearby well
- A children's garden and senior's garden will be included
- An herb garden and butterfly garden will be included
- Path ways are intertwined between plots making easy access to all plants
- An 8 foot fence will be placed around the garden for added security
- Plots are leased on a first come first serve basis
- Minimal chemical use; hoping to strive for organic gardening

Here is the link for the community garden welcome packet:

Community Effort:
I am encouraging all of my friends and family to consider being a part of this community initiative in some way. You do not have to lease a plot to participate. They are looking for volunteers to help maintain the senior's garden and children's garden.

Family Fun:
These is a great family activity and an excellent way to teach your children about vegetables. Allow them to take part in growing, grooming, harvesting and consuming fresh produce. Most children are more likely to want to try new vegetables if they have taken part in gardening. Also, this is a great opportunity for families to do physical activity together.

Nutrition Benefits:
Eating fresh produce is one of the best things for your health. Many people do not get the recommended intake of vegetables (2-3 servings a day) due to a lack of interest. The community garden will not only encourage you to reap the rewards of harvesting fresh produce but also will provide tips on vegetable recipes.

Saving Money:
It may sound crazy to "lease" a plot to grow vegetables but in the end you are learning valuable knowledge, interacting with a variety of people in the community, and getting to consume the fruits of your labor. Hopefully, you will be able to see a difference in your grocery bill by growing your vegetables. Having access to fresh herbs from the herb garden for free will save you a lot of money.

Sign up today by clicking on the welcome packet and filling out the application. It's time to start thinking about the fresh produce you will soon get to harvest!

Happy Gardening!
Little Chef-titian

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