I started purchasing all of our meat from Rainbow Meadow Farms as of November 2012. Hunter and I decided there products were excellent. I really believe in supporting our local farmers as much as possible and after trying some of their products, the difference was undeniable! I order a large shipment every 2-3 months.
My freezer is empty and in need of restocking but the last product I had for dinner this week was a whole chicken. It is cheaper to purchase a whole chicken and you are able to make chicken stock with the leftover pieces. I have been putting off cooking this as I was a little intimidated. But this week was the week it was going on the menu!
I decided to cook it in the crockpot since I could leave it on while Elin and I run errands or play outside. I found a recipe from the 100 days of real food website and decided to try it!
I added fresh parsley and lemons to the recipe. I stuffed those inside the cavity and squeezed the lemon juice on top of the bird before rubbing it with spices (paprika,salt, pepper, garlic powder, thyme).
Now, about 2 hours later my mouth
Is already watering! The chicken is smelling amazing and I can't wait for dinner!
Here's to cooking my first whole chicken!!
Here are a few pictures:
Happy slow cooking!
The chicken was falling off the bone after 4 hours of cooking it on high! It was delicious! I kept all of the liquid and leftover pieces in the crockpot and filled it with water. I added a pinch of salt and cooked on low for 12 hours. I strained it and have lots of home made stock for future recipes!
The crockpot made this whole process easy! Definitely my go to method for cooking chicken and making stock from now on!