Thursday, July 15, 2010

Time doesn't have to punish you!!

As I reflect on this stage of life (22 years old, student/PR Representative, and newlywed), I realize that I have time. Time to work out, time to enjoy grocery shopping, time to create new recipes and blog about them, and time to enjoy life! As I watch people transition from a young adult to an adult (mom, career woman, etc.) I am disheartened by what I see. Many women take on these "adult" roles and neglect themselves. What happened to the priority of caring for ones health. I am aware that a career and having children take much time and energy, but I hope that I do not lose sight of caring for my health when I enter into these roles.

I am aware that this may seem selfish to some but I view it differently. How can you teach your children what it means to eat healthy and stay active when it's not a priority? Children are said to be like sponges. They soak up everything, even the negative habits that parents try and hide. Modeling positive food behaviors and physical activity is a great way to teach healthy behaviors and attitudes to your children.

And for the career woman, how are you going to enjoy the benefits of all your hard work if you neglect yourself now? Prevention is key to a long healthy life. There are many things we can't control in our lives, but choosing to take time out of our day to care for our minds and bodies is something we do get to decide.

Go for a walk or run in the early morning before the demands of the day are knocking, do some sit ups or push ups before you go to bed at night, or take an hour at the gym a few days a week and do a total body workout.

Shopping at the farmers market is a great way to have fun with friends and family while stocking up on healthy ingredients for the week's meals. Incorporate bagged lunches a few days week instead of eating out (you'll be shocked at how many calories and dollars you can save). Challenge yourself to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. This will keep you full throughout the day.

These are just a few tips that you can try. If you identify with the busy mom, career woman, or young adult who has time, make caring for yourself a priority. You are an example to many people in your life, including your children. Being healthy is contagious and inspiring. Let's change the statistics that "Americans" possess regarding health.

For more information on eating 5 a day, check out this useful website:

Happy health!
~Little Chef-titian

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